Monday 24 September 2012

The Heart Broken Servo

The Heart Broken Servo

One night on The Sims 2 a Female servo was hiring employees for her home ware business, when all of sudden an evil witch came flying down on her broom. She was green, wearing a black gown and had a strange green glow coming off of her. Immediately the servo jumped up and greeted the witch. The amazing thing about this witch, was she was looking for a job in sales. The servo was so happy that she ran amok, and broke. Soon after, a repair man came to fix the servo. As soon as he was finished, the servo realised the witch had become bored and had left.
 Later after that, sales went down and the servo couldn’t afford to keep the business running anymore. She was down to her last simloans.  The servos last option was to call the matchmaking service; she paid the gypsy all the simloans she had left. Eventually the Sims fell in love and got engaged. Soon after was the wedding, it was a wonderful day. Then the servo found out that her husband was cheating on her! She took all of his money and shoved him out of the household.
Now the servo is rich, but still has no one to fill that hole in her heart. That’s just sim life!

The End

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